Il Centro ERMES (Efficient Road Management and Eco-Sustainable Solutions) svolge attività di ricerca e applicazione principalmente sul tema della pianificazione della manutenzione di pavimentazioni stradali integrando nelle procedure operative i materiali e le tecniche ecosostenibili tra le quali le tecniche di riciclaggio a caldo e a freddo e i trattamenti superficiali a freddo.
Alla base delle attività di sviluppo sostenibile anche i metodi di monitoraggio, di controllo qualità e di raccolta e gestione dei dati su sistema georeferenziato.
- “Best innovative idea” Michel T. Long Award 2017 – International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems. Paper: Bocci E., Cardone F., Grilli A., “Mix design and volumetric analysis of hot recycled bituminous mixtures using a bio-additive”, International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems, April 10-12, Rome, 2017;
- “Best impact research” – 5th International SIIV Arena. Paper: Balzi A., Scalbi N., Casali M., Muratori D., Bascucci F., Chiaruzzi R., Tura P. and Grilli A., “Pavement management system for the road network of the Republic of San Marino”, 17th SIIV International Summer School and Resilient road infrastructures Climatic changes and perspective of road infrastructures, San Marino, Republic of San Marino, 16-20 September 2019.
- Grilli A., “Field behaviour of cold-recycled asphalt mixtures for binder courses”, Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures, RILEM spring conference, Rovinj, Croatia, 18-22 March 2019.
- Grilli A., “Proposal of a State-of-the-art on Slurry Surfacing (TG2)”, RILEM Technical Committee 280-CBE Multiphase characterization of cold bitumen emulsion materials, online meeting, 11th September 2017.
- Grilli A., “Introduction to the Volumetric Characteristics of Cement-Bitumen Treated Materials (CBTM)”, RILEM Technical Committee TC 264-RAP - Meeting of TG1: Cold Recycling, Duebendorf, Switzerland, 15th June 2017.
- Grilli A., “Innovative Mixtures for Road Pavements”, Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund MED-MAIN, 14th May 2015, Arezzo, Italy.
- Grilli A., “Cold and Hot Recycling: Italian Perspective on Research and Experiences in the Field” Key Lecture at the 21° Encontro de Asfalto, 14th May 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- Grilli A., “Cold and hot bituminous mixes – Misturas Betuminosas a Quente e a Frio”, Universidade Pitagora, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 8th May 2014.
- Grilli A., “The Use of the Gyratory Compactor for Hot and Cold Mixtures”, Solocap, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 9th May 2014.
- Grilli A., “Mixing and Compaction Procedures of Cold Mixes: Experiences from Ancona, Italy” RILEM TG6 meeting, Braunschweig, Germany, June 6th, 2013.
- Grilli A., “Volumetric Characteristics and Thermal Sensitivity of Cement-Bitumen Treated Materials”, TC 264-RAP TG 6 RILEM meeting on Cold Recycling, Delft, Nederland, June 19th, 2012.
- Associated partner in Cold Recycled Asphalt Bases for Optimised Energy & Resource Efficient Pavements (CRAB for OERE), CEDR project funded under the call 2017 “New materials and Techniques”, Collaborator in the Work Packages n. 6 “Construction and short-term assessment of demonstration CRM-pavements”, 2020, link.
- Collaboration in the RILEM (International union of laboratory and experts in constructions materials, systems and structures) Technical Committee TC 264-RAP, TG1 on Cold Recycling, 2016-2021, link.
- Collaboration in the RILEM (International union of laboratory and experts in constructions materials, systems and structures) Technical Committee TC 264-RAP, TG3 on Asphalt binder and additives for RA, 2016-2021, link.
- Collaboration in the RILEM (International union of laboratory and experts in constructions materials, systems and structures) Technical Committee TC 280-CBE, TG2 on Cold Bitumen Emulsion mixtures, 2016-2021, link.
- Collaboration in the RILEM (International union of laboratory and experts in constructions materials, systems and structures) Technical Committee TC 237-SIB, TG6 on Cold Recycling, 2012-2016, link.
- Associato SIIV (Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie) dal 2005, link.
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- Centro di Ricerca per le Relazioni Internazionali
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- Centro Universitario di Formazione sulla Sicurezza
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- Istituto Giuridico Sammarinese
- Osservatorio Giovani
- Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici