EDA summer seminars
Dipartimento di scienze umane
European Dyslexia Association Summer School
The main aim of European Dyslexia Association (EDA) is to inform people, politicians, policy makers, trade and commerce unions and pressure groups in Europe about the necessity of supporting those who are dyslexic or DYS in a positive way, in order to avoid negative consequences caused by inappropriate education and training, low self-esteem and under-achievement which may lead to social exclusion.
It provides a platform for the most recent scientific findings in this area, best-practice interventions in the field of education and extra-curricular advancement as well as the advancement of affected individuals from all parts of the European Union.
The EDA is particularly interested in supporting the creation and development of national and regional organisations for people with dyslexia across the whole Europe.
New Edition: San Marino, 18 . 19 . 20 June 2015
The event will take place at the Antico Monastero di Santa Chiara (Contrada Omerelli 20, tel. 0549 883633 - mail address ms.msrinu@fd).
Coffee breaks and one lunch on June 19, will be offered by UNIRSM
To register you in the Summer Seminar, please fill in the format this address and pay the fee of 100€
NOTE: To partecipate to the single "Italian Day" the fee is 40€ [“Italian Day”: on the third day, 20th of June, will be provided translation into Italian]
Please sign in with your data and then fill in to the Seminar
You will be joined by a confirmation e-mail (please check that did not go in the spam)
Accesso rapido
- Centro di Ricerca per le Relazioni Internazionali
- Centro per la Dislessia
- Centro Sammarinese di Studi Storici
- Centro Studi sull'Emigrazione
- Centro Studi sulla Memoria
- Centro Universitario di Formazione sulla Sicurezza
- Gramsci centre for the humanities/Centro di studi gramsciani
- Istituto Giuridico Sammarinese
- Osservatorio Giovani
- Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici