Single room= 750€
Double room= 550€
SIIV association fee (to be paid by no SIIV members)= 50€
Accompanying person= 350€
The registration for Summer School participants includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee break, attendance to the Summer School and workshop, Summer School documents, organized technical and touristic activities.
The registration for accompanying persons in arrangement with a full registration includes accommodation, breakfast, dinner, organized technical and touristic activities.
Summer School Payments: go to or get in contact with ms.msrinu@dsed.
SIIV association fee: the SIIV association fee has be paid by bank transfer to: ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA INFRASTRUTTURE VIARIE – IBAN IT 10 G 02008 05302 000401199990, SWIFT: UNCRITM1158. Reference: “Summer School 2019, SIIV membership” and the delegate’s name.
The course will be taught in English.
A certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the course.
Please, send the registration form and extended abstract before August 1st to the following email addresses: ms.msrinu@illirg.aerdna.
Attendants will be accommodated at: Joli Hotel in San Marino (
Accesso rapido
- Centro di Ricerca per le Relazioni Internazionali
- Centro per la Dislessia
- Centro Sammarinese di Studi Storici
- Centro Studi sull'Emigrazione
- Centro Studi sulla Memoria
- Centro Universitario di Formazione sulla Sicurezza
- Gramsci centre for the humanities/Centro di studi gramsciani
- Istituto Giuridico Sammarinese
- Osservatorio Giovani
- Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici