Andrea Grilli
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Civile / IASA
Professore associato
Corso di Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria Civile / IASA Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Civile / IASA
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Gestione e manutenzione di strade
Costruzioni di strade e tecniche ecosostenibili
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Profilo biografico
Andrea Grilli was born in Chiaravalle (AN),Italy, on December 8th 1978. He graduated in Civil Engineering at the Università Politecnica delleMarche(Ancona,Italy) in 2004 cum laude. In 2008, he became a PhD in “Road Engineering” in the same university. His PhD thesis, developed in cooperation with the Swiss research institute EMPA, was entitled: “Advanced Testing and Theoretical Evaluation of Bituminous Mixtures for Flexible Pavements”. Afterwards he worked as associate researcher at the Università Politecnica delleMarchesince 2010. In 2010 he became assistant professor at the Università degli Studi della Repubblica diSan Marino(RepublicofSan Marino). He is responsible for the following lectures: “Infrastructure Engineering” at the Università degli Studi della Repubblica diSan Marinoand “Infrastructure Engineering” at the Università degli Studi diModenae Reggio Emilia. He has expertise in the road engineering ranging from pavement design to pavement construction. Since 2006 he supervised more than 50 theses for bachelor and master graduation. Currently, he is involved in research projects on clear binders for wearing courses, pavement maintenance and cold and hot recycling of reclaimed asphalt.
- 2004 – Laurea in Ingegneria Civile con votazione 110/110 e lode presso l’Università Politecnica delle Marche
- 2004 – Tesi (in inglese): “Influence of water and temperature on mechanical properties of selected asphalt pavements”.
- 2004 – Attestato del corso di formazione sicurezza, fase progettazione ed esecuzione (D.LGS 494/1996) conseguito durante la carriera scolastica presso l’Università Politecnica delle Marche.
- 2004 – Vincitore del Concorso di Dottorato di Ricerca all’università Politecnica delle Marche con borsa di studio in “Strutture ed Infrastrutture” – VI Ciclo nuova serie con sede ad Ancona.
- Settembre 2005 – Corso di aggiornamento avanzato organizzato dalla Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie SIIV: Geometria avanzata delle infrastrutture viarie, Peschici, Italia.
- 2005 – corso di formazione sicurezza, fase progettazione ed esecuzione (D.LGS 494/1996) conseguito durante la carriera scolastica presso l’Università Politecnica delle Marche.
- Abilitato all’esercizio della professione di ingegnere dal 2005 ed iscritto all’Albo dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Ancona dal 2006
- Agosto 2006 – Corso di aggiornamento “pre-conference under the 10th international conference on asphalt pavements: Short course on pavement structural evaluation”,Québec City,Canada.
- Agosto 2006 – Corso di aggiornamento “pre-conference under the 10th international conference on asphalt pavements: Hot mix asphalt (HMA) thermal cracking”,Québec City,Canada.
- 2006 – Iscrizione all’albo degli Ingegneri.
- Settembre 2006 – Corso di aggiornamento avanzato organizzato dalla Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie SIIV: Pavimentazioni, materiali e metodi per le infrastrutture stradali ed aeroportuali, Olbia.
- Marzo 2008 – Conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca e discussione della tesi: “Advanced testing and theoretical evaluation of bituminous mixtures for flexible pavements”.
- Settembre 2008 – Corso di aggiornamento avanzato organizzato dalla Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie SIIV: I materiali per le costruzioni stradali, Enna.
- Settembre 2009 – Corso di aggiornamento avanzato organizzato dalla Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie SIIV: Qualità ambientali delle infrastrutture viarie, Cagliari.
- Ottobre 2009 – Seminario “Cold recycling”, Wirtgen group, Milano.
- Giugno 2010 – Corso di aggiornamento “EATA 2010 pre-conference course on Advances in Pavement Technologies”.
- Aprile 2010 – Vincitore del concorso per posto di ricercatore con contratto pluriennale all’Università degli Studi di san Marino.
Presentations in International events
- “Theoretical Model and Experimental Analysis of the Mechanical Behaviour for Geogrid-Reinforced Flexible Pavements”, RILEM Annual Meeting,Ancona,Italy, 2005.
- “Interlayer shear effects of grid reinforcements”, 10th ISAP International Conference on Asphalt Pavements,Quebec city,Canada, August 15th, 2006.
- “Influence of reinforcement geosynthetics on flexion behaviour of double-layer bituminous systems”, RILEM Conference on Advanced Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials Athens, Greece, June 20th, 2007.
- “Mechanical characterization and influence of water on WMA by adding synthetic zeolite”, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Aggregates, Asphalt Technology and Pavement Engineering, Liverpool, England, February 19th, 2009.
- “Laboratory performance-based evaluation of cold bituminous mixtures for patching applications”, 6th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control MAIREPAV, Torino, Italy, July 10th, 2009.
- “Italian perspective on cold recycling with bituminous emulsion: current use, specification and research”, Work Group 2 ISAP on Cold Recycling,Parma,Italy, June 11th, 2010.
- “Volumetric characteristics and thermal sensitivity of Cement-Bitumen Treated Materials”, TG 6 RILEM meeting on Cold Recycling,Delft,Nederland, June 19th, 2012.
- “Influence of reclaimed asphalt on mechanical characteristics of cement-bitumen treated materials” 2nd International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment, ISAP TC APE, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 1st – 3rd, 2012.
- “Classification of Recycled Asphalt (RA) Material”, 2nd International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment, ISAP TC APE,Fortaleza,Brazil, October 1st – 3rd, 2012.
- “Research activities from the University of San Marino, Modena and Ancona”,Fortaleza,Brazil, October 9th, 2012.
- “Mixing and Compaction Procedures of Cold Mixes: Experiences from Ancona, Italy” RILEM TG6 meeting,Braunschweig,Germany, June 6th, 2013.
- “Laboratory and In-Plant Validation of Hot Mix Recycling Using a Rejuvenator”, International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT),Taipei,Taiwan, 14-18 July 2013.
- “Runway Pavement Reconstruction with Full Material Recycling: the Case of the Airport of Treviso”, International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT),Taipei,Taiwan, 14-18 July 2013.
- “Mechanical properties of Cement-Bitumen Treated Materials”, ISAP workshop, Montegrotto (PD),Italy, September 13th, 2013.
- “Análise volumétrica de misturas asfálticas recicladas a frio por meio de compactador giratório”, 21° Encontro de Asfalto, 12-14 de Maio de 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- “Cold and hot bituminous mixes – Misturas Betuminosas a Quente e a Frio”, Universidade Pitagora,Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 8th May 2014.
- “The use of the gyratory compactor for hot and cold mixtures”, Solocap,Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 9th May 2014.
- Key lecture “Cold and Hot Recycling: Italian Perspective on Research and Experiences in the Field” at the 21° Encontro de Asfalto, 14 de Maio de 2014,Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- “Innovative mixtures for road pavements”, Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund MED-MAIN, 14th May 2015,Arezzo,Italy.
International Relationships
- Member of the SIIV (Società Italiana Infrastrutture Viarie – Italian Society of Infrastructures) since 2005
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Sustainable Development, ISSN 1913-9063 (Print) ISSN 1913-9071 (Online).
- Member of the RILEM (Intenational union of laboratory and experts in constructions materials, systems and structures) Technical Committee TC 237-SIB, TG6 on Cold Recycling (2012-2016)
- Participant in the RILEM TC ATB, TG 4 – Interlaboratory Test on Interlayer Bonding of Asphalt Pavements
- Participant in the ISAP (International Society for Asphalt Pavements) WG 2 on Cold recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
- Member of the local organizing committee of the 8th International RILEM Symposium,Ancona,Italy, October 7-9, 2015.
- Member of the scientific committee of the APE ISAP Symposium,Sun City,South Africa, August 16-18, 2015.
- Member of the scientific committee of the European Asphalt Technology Association EATA 2017, Dübendorf (CH) June 12th – June 14th, 2017
- Reviewer for the International Journal of Materials and Structures, ISSN: 1359-5997 (Print) 1871-6873 (Online), Springer Link; International Journal of Construction & Building Materials, ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier; International Journal of Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology, PEAT, ISSN 1464-8164, Liverpool JMU; Journal of Sustainable Development, ISSN 1913-9063 (Print), ISSN 1913-9071 (Online); International Journal on Road Materials and Pavement Design, Taylor & Francis Group, ISSN 1468-0629 (Print), 2164-7402 (Online), Int. Sci. Journal on Transport Problems; International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology. 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (CEUP2015); International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference (ASPEC2013); ISAP conference 2014; Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
Aree di interesse
Clear binders for wearing courses, warm mix asphalt technologies, pavement maintenance, pavement design, cold and hot recycling of reclaimed asphalt.
Publications in International Journals
- Gubler R., Partl M. N., Canestrari F. and Grilli A., “Influence of water and temperature on mechanical properties of selected asphalt pavements”, Materials and Structures, Springer, ISSN: 1359-5997, Vol. 38, no. 279, pp. 523-532, June 2005.
- Partl M. N., Canestrari F., Grilli A., Gubler R., “Characterization of water sensitivity of asphalt mixtures with coaxial shear test”, International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, ISSN: 1468-0629, Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 247-278, 2008.
- Virgili A., Partl M. N., Grilli A., Santagata F. A., “Damage model for environmental conditioned fatigue test with CAST”, International Journal of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Wiley-Blackwell, Vol. 31, issue 11, pp. 967-979, 2008.
- Virgili A., Canestrari F., Grilli A., Santagata F. A., “Repeated load test on bituminous systems reinforced by geosynthetics” International Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Elsevier Science, ISSN: 0266-1144, vol. 27, pp. 187-195, 2009.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Pannunzio V., Riviera P., “Mechanical characterization and influence of water on WMA by adding synthetic zeolite” International Journal of Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology, ISSN: 1464-8164, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2009.
- Bocci M., Canestrari F., Grilli A., Pasquini E., Lioi D., “Recycling Techniques and Environmental Issues relating to the Widening of an High Traffic Volume Italian Motorway”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering, ISSN: 1996-6814, Vol. 4, pp. 171-177, 2010.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Cardone F., Graziani A, “A study on the mechanical behaviour of cement-bitumen treated materials”, International Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, ISSN: 0950-0618, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 773-778, 2011.
- Ferrotti G., Canestrari F., Virgili A., Grilli A., “A strategic laboratory approach for the performance investigation of geogrids in flexible pavements”, International Journal of Construction and Building Materials, ISSN: 0950-0618, Elsevier Science, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp. 2343-2348, 2011.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Cardone F., Ferrotti G., “Full Depth Reclamation for the Rehabilitation of Local Roads: a Case Study”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI:10.1080/10298436.2012.657196, ISSN 1029-8436 print/ISSN 1477-268X online, Taylor & Francis, 1–11, 2012.
- Grilli A., Graziani A., Bocci M., “Compactability and Thermal Sensitivity of Cement-Bitumen Treated Materials”, accepted in the International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, Special Issue on Cold Recycling and Bitumen Stabilization, 2012.
- Grilli A., Bocci E., Graziani A., “Influence of reclaimed asphalt content on the mechanical behaviour of cement-treated mixtures”, submitted to the International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, Special Issue on Stabilization and Recycling/Reclaimation of Highway Pavements with Hydraulic Binders, 2012.
- Grilli A., Bocci M., Tarantino A. M., “Experimental investigation on fiber-reinforced cement-treated mixtures using reclaimed asphalt”, submitted to the International Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, ISSN: 0950-0618, 2012.
- Grilli A., Bocci M., Cardone F., Conti C., Giorgini E., “Laboratory and In-Plant Validation of Hot Mix Recycling Using a Rejuvenator”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Issue 6, Volume 4, pp. 364-37, 2013.
- Bocci M., Manganaro A., Grilli A., “Runway Pavement Reconstruction with Full Material Recycling: the Case of the Airport of Treviso”, Special Issue of Advanced Materials Research, Volume 723, pp. 1044-1051, DOI 10.4028/, 2013.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Cardone F., Ferrotti G., “Full Depth Reclamation for the Rehabilitation of Local Roads: a Case Study”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 191–201, 2014.
- Tebaldi G., Dave E. V., Marsac P., Muraya P., Hugener M., Pasetto M., Graziani A., Grilli A., Bocci M., Marradi A., Wendling L., Gaudefroy V., Jenkins K., Loizos A., Canestrari F., “Synthesis of standards and procedures for specimen preparation and in-field evaluation of cold-recycled asphalt mixtures”, International Journal Road Materials and Pavement Design, Volume 15, Issue 2, pp. 272-299, 2014.
- Cardone F., Graziani A., Grilli A., Bocci M., “Curing and temperature sensitivity of cement-bitumen treated materials”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 10, 868–880,, 2015.
Publications in International Conferences
- Canestrari F., Grilli A., Santagata F. A. e Virgili A., “Interlayer shear effects of grid reinforcements”, Proceedings of the 10th international conference on asphalt pavements, vol. I, pp. 811-820, ISBN 978-2-550-49009-8, Québec City, Canada, August 12 to 17, 2006.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Santagata F. A. e Virgili A., “Influence of reinforcement geosynthetics on flexion behaviour of double-layer bituminous systems”, Proceedings of the international conference on advanced characterization of pavement and soil engineering materials, vol. 2, pp. 1415-1424, ISBN 978-0-415-44882-6, Athens, Greece, 20-22 June 2007.
- Bocci M., Virgili A., Grilli A., Pannunzio V., “Experimental analysis of the potentialities and limits of asphalt mixtures by adding zeolite”, 4° International SIIV congress, ISBN 978-88-8207-260-5, 12-14 Settembre, Palermo, Italia, 2007.
- Canestrari F., Ferrotti G., Grilli A., Barbati S., “Laboratory performance-based evaluation of cold bituminous mixtures for patching applications”, 6th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control MAIREPAV6, ISBN: 978888202093, Torino July 8-10, 2009.
- Santagata F. A., Bocci M., Grilli A., Cardone F., “Rehabilitation of an Italian Highway by Cold In-Place Recycling Techniques”, 7th International RILEM Symposium on Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials, ISBN 978-0-415-55854-9, Rhodes, Greece, 2009.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., “Riciclaggio degli strati superiori della pavimentazione stradale – Recycling the top layers of road pavement”, Brenner Congress VIATEC, Bolzano, Italy, March 17th – 18th, 2011.
- Grilli A., Cardone F., Bocci E., “Influence of reclaimed asphalt on mechanical characteristics of cement-bitumen treated materials” 2nd International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment, ISAP TC APE, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 1st – 3rd, 2012.
- Tebaldi G., Dave E., Marsac P., Muraya P., Hugener M., Pasetto M., Graziani A., Grilli A., Marradi A., Wendling L., Gaudefroy V., Jenkins K., Loizos A., Bocci M., “Classification of Recycled Asphalt (RA) Material”, 2nd International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment, ISAP TC APE, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 1st – 3rd, 2012.
- Tebaldi G., Dave E., Marsac P., Muraya P., Hugener M., Pasetto M., Graziani A., Grilli A., Marradi A., Wendling L., Gaudefroy V., Jenkins K., Loizos A., Bocci M., “Synthesis of Specimen Preparation and Curing Processes for Cold Recycled Asphalt Mixes”, 2nd International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment, ISAP TC APE, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 1st – 3rd, 2012.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Cardone F., Virgili A., “Clear Asphalt Mixture for Wearing Course in Tunnels: Experimental Application in the Province of Bolzano”, 5th SIIV International Congress on Sustainability of Road Infrastructures,Rome, Italy, 29-31 October 2012.
- Bocci M., Manganaro A., Grilli A., “Runway Pavement Reconstruction with Full Material Recycling: the Case of the Airport of Treviso”, International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT),Taipei,Taiwan, 14-18 July 2013.
- Graziani A., Grilli A., Miconi D. and Godenzoni C., “Cyclic Approach to Airport Pavement Management based on Non-Destructive Deflection Testing”, International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT), Advanced Materials Research, Volume 723, 1019-1026 DOI 10.4028/, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-18 July, 2013.
- Grilli A., Bocci M., Motta R., Bernucci L., “Análise volumétrica de misturas asfálticas recicladas a frio por meio de compactador giratório”, 21° Encontro de Asfalto, 12-14 de Maio de 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
- Grilli A., Meocci M., Bocci M., La Torre F., “Comprehensive evaluation on the mechanical behaviour of cement-bitumen treated materials”, 3rd ISAP APE Symposium on Asphalt Pavements and Environment, 16th August 2015,Sun City,South Africa.
- Grilli A., Bocci E., Bocci M., “Hot Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt using a Bio-based Additive”, 8th International RILEM Symposium on Testing and Characterization of Sustainable & Innovative Bituminous Materials, October 7-9, 2015 –Ancona,Italy.
- D. Perraton, G. Tebaldi, E. Dave, F. Bilodeau, G. Giacomello, A. Grilli, A. Graziani, M. Bocci, J. Grenfell, P. Muraya, M. Pasetto, K. Kuna, A. Apeagyei, D. Lo Presti, G. Airey, K. Jenkins, E. Hajj, M. Hugener and P. Marsac, “Tests Campaign Analysis to Evaluate the Capability of Fragmentation Test to Characterize Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Material”, 8th International RILEM Symposium on Testing and Characterization of Sustainable & Innovative Bituminous Materials, October 7-9, 2015 – Ancona, Italy.
- Bocci E., Grilli A., Bocci M., Gomes V., “Recycling of high percentages of reclaimed asphalt using a bio-rejuvenator – a case study”, 6th Eurasphalt and Eurobitume (E&E) congress, Praga, 1 – 3 June, 2016.
Pubblicazioni su Riviste Nazionali
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Riviera P., Paglione, Tolentino, “Il riciclaggio a freddo per l’ampliamento alla terza corsia dell’autostrada A14”, Strade & Autostrade, ISSN 1723-2155, fascicolo 6 Novembre/Dicembre 2008.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., Graziani A., “L’impiego di conglomerato bituminoso di recupero nelle miscele stabilizzate a cemento” Strade & Autostrade, ISSN 1723-2155, fascicolo n° 6 Novembre/Dicembre, 2009.
- Bocci M., Grilli A., “Il riciclaggio a freddo sulla viabilità provinciale di Ancona”, Strade & Autostrade, fascicolo n° 6, Novembre/Dicembre, 2010.
- Tarantino A. M., Grilli A., Lanzoni L., Dezi F., “Una nuova realtà nell’ambito della ricerca e della qualifica dei materiali per le costruzioni in ambito edile e civile”, Rivista Corso d’Augusto, vol. 1, 2011.
- Grilli A., “I conglomerati bituminosi semicaldi, un’alternativa sostenibile alla tecnica tradizionale”, Rivista Corso d’Augusto, vol. 2, 2011.
- Tarantino M., Nobili A., Lanzoni L., Dezi F. Grilli A., Costantino V., Finamore A., “Sperimentazione di una pavimentazione rigida fibrorinforzata realizzata nella galleria Le Fratte del Quadrilatero Umbria-Marche”, Strade & Autostrade, fascicolo n° 6, 2011.
- Dolciotti G., Grilli A., “Provinciale rigenerata”, Le Strade, volume 10, 2011.
- Grilli A., “Il comportamento qualitativo delle miscele riciclate a freddo per pavimentazioni stradali”, Rivista Corso d’Augusto, vol. 4, 2011.
- Cerni G., Grilli A., Cardone F., “Il conglomerato bituminoso di recupero come materiale da costruzione”, L’ingegnere umbro, vol.1, 2012.
- Grilli A., “Il riciclaggio a freddo in impianto: il caso in studio della variante alla S.P. 424 di San Lorenzo in Campo (PU)”, Strade&Autostrade, fascicolo n° 102, Novembre/Dicembre, 2013.
- Grilli A., “Il conglomerato bituminoso prodotto a freddo per strati di base: applicazione sulla variante alla S.P. 424 di San Lorenzo in Campo (PU)”, Rassegna del bitume, vol. 76/14, edizione speciale Asphaltica ’14, maggio 2014.
- Grilli A., Cupioli M., “La valutazione della condizione di servizio delle pavimentazioni stradali: Il caso della rete comunale di Fano”, Pavimenti, Vol. 3, 2014.
- Turci D., Grilli A., Bocci E. “Nuove applicazioni per le vernici rifrangenti”, Pavimenti, Vol. 3, 2014.
- Grilli A., Iorio Gnisci M., “Effetto del processo di invecchiamento e potenzialità di recupero del bitume ad uso stradale”, Ingenio, Pavimenti, 2015.
- Grilli A., “I trattamenti superficiali per la manutenzione stradale”, Strade&Autostrade, 1, Vol. 6, n° 114, Novembre/Dicembre 2015.
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